Feedback details

Critical thinking
Team feedback
I thought the team produced a decent report, that was well written. Overall, feedback for the course is that while it seems helpful for the school to have “real world” problems for students to work on, the “responses” were not overly helpful for the company. I think this could have been solved by having more check ins with the team and companies. While I am mindful of not wanting to add more work for the students (or companies), I think a lot of feedback could have been provided early on that would have led to a more useful outcome. For example, in our case, one of the top 3 recommendations was seeking charitable status. We already have it. That information could have been easily gleaned had we known they were spending time researching that. At the end of the day, our question was “how to best form partnerships”, and the answer was “form partnerships”, which doesn’t help us move forward in a productive way. This isn’t entirely the students’ fault, but more a flaw in the program design. While the students’ answers might be accurate for other companies, 2 out of 3 suggestions that they recommended were not applicable, and the third wasn’t fleshed out in enough detail to be applicable in real life, so the problem was strictly academic. For a school’s purpose of completing assignments, this is appropriate, and good for the school to have real life problems to work on; however the same is not true for the companies.
Customer engagement Business process Strategic communication Marketing Key performance indicators (kpis) Raci matrix Go-to-market strategy Organizational architecture Business to business Filing
Business Consulting Project
DAAS - MacEwan Custom Business Consulting
Customer engagement Business process Strategic communication Marketing Key performance indicators (kpis) Raci matrix Go-to-market strategy Organizational architecture Business to business Filing
Created At
April 10, 2021