Website Development

Project scope
UX design Digital marketing Website development Software development Machine learningSkills
search engine optimization wordpressWe would like to work with students to develop our website using wordpress.
Students should be prepared to:
- Follow a given template to develop features as requested.
- Create and integrate fully-functioning features as discussed.
- Implement back end SEO strategies to the website.
- Optimize and improve page speed for the current website.
Students will need to complete the creation and development of new key features for our website, built through Wordpress.
Students will also need to optimize the website by implementing a variety of SEO strategies.
Students will connect directly with the employer for mentorship and supervision throughout the project.
Weekly meetings will be held.
Students will also be given the opportunity to request a meeting any time they have questions, comments, or concerns they would like to address.
About the Community Partner
Aisha Home Services is a digital platform that aims to match individuals looking for work opportunities with individuals who would like an extra hand around their home. Our company offers a unique service that enables service seekers and service providers to connect with one another.