Halima Yousuf


Research 4 Fundraising 2 Marketing 2 Target market 2 Auditing 1 Commercialization 1 Communication 1 Email marketing 1 Foreign market 1 Go-to-market strategy 1 Innovation 1 Marketing materials 1 Marketing strategies 1 Market size 1 Market trend 1 New product development 1 Newsletters 1 Packaging and labeling 1 Presentations 1 Product design 1 Project management 1 Promotional materials 1 Search engine optimization 1 Social media 1 Social media analytics 1 Social media content 1 Target audience 1 Templates 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund

Project Events Manager

We are looking for students to help us plan a charity event Students in this position will overlook the UMF team’s project through a logistical lens Students will help facilitate the UMF team events and ceremonies. The student will play a key role in helping the project manager create a more efficient work process.

Matches 2
Category Graphic design + 3
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Email Marketing Campaign

We hope to revamp our email marketing to attract more customers. We would like to work with students to design a new email marketing campaign for our company Youth In Politics. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products, email marketing campaign goals and target market. Identifying types of emails and content that our company should send out such as welcome emails, newsletters, and re-engagement emails. Researching factors affecting the effectiveness of email marketing such as when emails are sent and making recommendations. Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Identifying ways to personalize emails for customers based on market segmentation.

Matches 1
Category Digital marketing + 1
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Fundraising Plan

Our organization is committed to serving our target population. However, we are currently facing funding challenges. We would like to collaborate with students to develop a fundraising plan to meet our goals. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our mission, values and goals. Familiarizing themselves with our past fundraising activities and donors. Conducting background research on fundraising strategies. Recommending suitable fundraising strategies and creating a timeline / calendar of these activities. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Assisting in implementing new fundraising activities.

Matches 2
Category Social work + 2
SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Analyzing Industry Data

Our company would like to analyze medical data. We believe we know a lot about our consumers and target consumer base, but we need to look beyond the buyer and examine our industry. We would like to collaborate with students to identify key market trends and assist in our go-forward plans. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our products, target market, and industry. Analyzing growth trends, stagnation patterns and decline analytics. Identifying areas of promising innovation and areas that are slowing down. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending strategies to best position our company.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 2