The Ground Up - a podcast about urban food solutions
This is a collaborative podcast project between Sheena Rossiter (Department of Communications) and Dr. Alissa Overend (Department of Sociology) on urban food solutions. We are seeking funding for ONE student Research Assistant (RA) to help gather information on specific strategies that Canadians cities (and various organizations and non-profits therein) are using to develop urban food solutions. The podcast will be organized around specific Canadian cities and our first pilot episode will focus on Edmonton and some of the 'ground up' urban food solutions we are doing, including but not limited to The University of Alberta Farm, Root for Trees, the library's seed sharing program, and urban foraging. We will need the RA's help to summarize what programs do, how they developed, and who is included in their membership. We will also need the student's help in reaching and contacting organizers within these programs to see if they're interested in being interviewed for the podcast.