MohammedSohaib Syed
Healthcare Biotechnology Mobile app development Security (cybersecurity and IT security) Software development


Sales 4 Marketing 3 Research 3 Business-to-consumer 2 Customer service 2 Information gathering 2 Marketing strategies 2 Market segmentation 2 New product development 2 Product lining 2 Promotional materials 2 Auditing 1 Communication 1 Employee performance management 1 Environmental analysis 1 Foreign market 1 Fundraising 1 Go-to-market strategy 1 Health promotion 1 Key performance indicators (kpis) 1 Marketing materials 1 Market share 1 Performance management 1 Planning 1 Presentations 1 Process improvement 1 Project management 1 Quality assurance 1 Revenue stream 1 Sales prospecting 1 Scripting 1 Target market 1 Templates 1 Usability 1 User research 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund

User Research Study

We are looking to have students conduct usability tests. We will provide the customer contact information, and will obtain their consent to participate. Students will be responsible for: Interview scheduling Developing a script for the interview Conducting the moderated interview remotely Writing the user research plan Analyzing the results and defining the solutions Following up with the customers to share the final case studies and thank them for their participation

Matches 1
Category Competitive analysis + 3
Youth In Politics
Youth In Politics
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Redesign an Internal HR System / Process

We want to use this opportunity to create a preliminary redesign of this tool to ensure targets, goals and performance issues are being documented and called upon. Through this collaboration, we would like to develop a plan that addresses three key areas: The needs and challenges of effective performance management/evaluation Research and identify performance management options available that might suit the needs of our team A rollout/pilot plan that identifying what our team needs to consider in adopting a new tool

Matches 1
Category Leadership + 3
SP Global Inc
SP Global Inc
Ajax, Ontario, Canada

Financial Business Plan

We are looking to launch a new venture and we want to know how we could achieve it. The plan should include: Sales forecasting Expense budget Income projections (conservative and aggressive) Assets and liabilities Break-even analysis

Matches 1
Category Financial modeling + 3
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund

Health Promotion Campaign Plan

Our organization wants to further our efforts to increase awareness about a particular health topic. We would like to work with students to develop a campaign that successfully raises awareness and changes behaviour around this health topic in a certain population. In collaboration with key contacts at our organization, students will design and carry out a campaign strategy around this health topic. Identify groups which this campaign will target. Identify ideal outcomes and KPIs. Design leaflets, posters, videos, and/or brochures.

Matches 1
Category Healthcare + 1


Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Biomedical Engineering
Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson)
September 2021 - Current