Katherine MacDonald

Troy Donovan
Resident Urban Beekeeper
August 26, 2023
Team feedback
They really stepped up when asked and look to improve themselves and the project at every turn. She communicated very well and did great work on the required presentations.

Level UP MacEwan Spring-Summer 2023
MacEwan Level UP
LevelUP Urban Beekeeping July-August
MacEwan University - Office of Sustainability
Nooshin Walji
August 14, 2023
Team feedback
Great job, Katherine.
Professional networking
Systems thinking
Human-centered design
Project management

Level UP MacEwan Spring-Summer 2023
MacEwan Level UP

Level UP- MacEwan Emerging Leaders Community Engaged Project
MacEwan University - Careers and Experience

Troy Donovan
Resident Urban Beekeeper
July 1, 2023
Team feedback
Katherine did a great job keeping organized and doing what was asked. She listens carefully and asks good questions. Sometimes she would be thinking too much about something but she acts quickly and decisively when asked. She was always a postive influence on our team and everyone appreciated her friendly attitude.

Level UP MacEwan Faculty and Staff Projects
MacEwan Level UP
LevelUP Urban Beekeeping
MacEwan University - Office of Sustainability